
ONLINE: The 7th Arya Kshema Spring Teachings with Gyalwang Karmapa

His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa will give teachings on Mikyö Dorje’s Autobiographical Verses on 12 days between March 14 and April 8

13:00 – 14:00 and 14:30 – 15:00 GMT

See schedule on Karmapas official Website.

The teachings will be webcast on:
YouTube Karmapa Teachings channel I Karmapa Facebook

The 7th Arya Kshema Spring Teachings
This year, from March 6 to April 8, nuns from the Kagyu shedras will gather at the Vajra Vidya Institute in Sarnath for a month of teachings and debate under the direction of the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa and presided over by Druppon Dechen Rinpoche. In addition to a daily schedule of classes and debates, the Spring Teachings will feature teachings by Gyalwang Karmapa on Mikyö Dorje’s Autobiographical Verses, with teachings on 12 days between March 14 and April 8.

Fundraising for the continued existence of Kamalashila Institute - every donation helps!

We are still living in very “turbulent times”, with pressing questions on the personal as well as the societal level. Uncertainty and unpredictability have become part of our lives. This affects not only the individual, but also many organisers who can no longer plan as they used to – just like the Kamalashila Institute. Besides the known running costs, an additional budget is needed for new technology that had to be purchased for the online courses as well as for this year’s higher heating costs that await us all this winter.

Every donation, no matter how much, helps us to continue to make the Dharma accessible to many people, which is an important and helpful “guideline” especially in these uncertain times.

Donate now

The MAR NGOK SUMMER TEACHING RECORDINGS – By the Seventeenth Gyalwang Karmapa

In the 2022 summer teachings, held in August and September, the Gyalwang Karmapa continued his discussion of the origins of the Vajrayana, focusing on related issues in the transmission of early Buddhism, the development of the eighteen schools, and the spread of the We Mahayana. Everyone who is interested is encouraged to watch and listen.


  • The Karma Kagyu Community, Germany

    In 1978 the Community, then called an association, was founded as the official representation of the Kagyu lineage in Germany as the XVI Karmapa had proposed. Its present spiritual leader is HIs Holiness, the XVII Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, the youngest representative of the 900-year-old lineage of the Karmapas, the leaders of the Karma Kamtsang lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. The mission of the Community is to preserve the unbroken and authentic teachings and methods of meditation of the ”oral transmission lineage“ of the Karma Kagyu tradition, to pass them on to our modern society in a contemporary way, and to support Karmapa’s activities.

  • His Holiness, the XVII Gyalwang Karmapa

    H.H., the XVII Karmapa, is the spiritual head of the 900-year old Karma Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. He is regarded as one of the most important spiritual architects of our modern times. The Karmapa plays a vital role in the preservation and modernization of Tibetan Buddhist spirituality and culture. Among other things, Karmapa initiated a historic development for the empowerment of women in Tibetan Buddhism, the goal leading to full ordination for women. Described as one of the most significant “spiritual guides of the 21st century”, the XVII Karmapa has inspired millions of people throughout the world as a teacher, an artist, a poet, and as an environmental activist.

  • City Groups of the Kamalashila Institute

    Are you looking for a place near you where you can study and practise meditation and Buddhism? A growing number of meditation groups associated with Kamalashila now exist in several German cities. Each of these has its own individual programme, ranging from weekly meditation sessions to study groups and weekend seminars. The city groups are guided by our two resident lamas, Acharya Lama Soenam Rabgye and Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi. An overview of these centers and groups can be found here.


Please support association and centers

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