The Karma Kagyu Community Germany - Tibetan-Buddhist Religious Community
Our religious Community is a registered and non-profit association to support and practice Buddhist teachings especially in the tradition of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan buddhism. The head of the Karma Kagyu lineage, His Holiness, the XVII Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, is its patron and spiritual head of the Community. The XVII Karmapa confirmed this in his letter in 1994.
The Tibetan Buddhist Religious Community was founded in Munich in 1978 at the request of the XVI Karmapa as the official representation of the Karma Kagyu lineage in Germany. It constitutes the legal and organisational framework of the XVII Karmapa’s activities and his centres. The Community regards itself as a bridge between the Buddhist teachings of wisdom, the science of the mind, with the occidental culture of Germany.
The registered office of the Community is the Eifel monastery at Langenfeld (Eifel region in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany).
Goals of the Religious Community
The purpose of the Community is practising, I.e., the support, the study and practice of Tibetan Buddhism in the tradition of the Karma Kagyu lineage. This is being realised especially through the support of H.H., the XVII Karmapa’s, activities as well as through the teachings and practice at the Kamalashila Institute and centres. At the same time the Community is open to contributions by guest lecturers as well as other schools and orientations in Buddhism.
Translations and the publishing of Buddhist teaching texts and literature belong to the Community’s assignments as well as the preservation and support of Buddhist art and culture. This includes promoting the training of Buddhist teachers and translators from Tibetan into German and English.
Beyond preserving traditional teachings the religious Community assumes further tasks by supporting social and environmental projects in line with the XVII Karmapa’s activities, assisting the inter-religious dialogue as well as discussing the scientific, cultural and social aspects of Buddhism in seminars, workshops and conferences.
The religious Community is represented and guided by its Board. It has regular and sponsoring members. The former have the task to preserve the Community, to liaise with the XVII Karmapa, to elect and control the Board and to decide important business matters within the framework of general meetings.
The religious Community consists of the Kamalashila Institute® for Buddhist Studies and Meditation which is the official seat of H.H., the XVII Karmapa, in Europe, the Retreat Centre Karma Thekchen Yi Ong Ling at Halscheid, the city centres and other groups. The Karma Kagyu publishing house and the Dharma Shop also belong to the Community.
Organisational Chart and Community Institutions
Our religious Community is a member of Deutsche Buddhistische Union e.V. (DBU) and is represented in their council and committees.
Voluntary Ethical Commitment of the German Buddhist Union e.V. (DBU)
The Karma Kagyu Community Germany e.V. joins the Voluntary Ethical Commitment of the DBU.
Statement of the Board of the Karma Kagyu Community Germany (December 2020)