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  • Support with Donation

    A further possibility to support the work of the Community and the Centres is to give donations. All the big projects of the Community as well as major work and purchases have been accomplished with donations from our Sangha and occasionally through the support of major donors. We, the organisers, have always been very grateful for that fact. It makes us confident we can rely on your support when it becomes necessary. To donate and use generosity belong to the Buddhist tradition. They are the corner stones of Buddhist teachings and practice. Next
  • We about us

    Our religious Community is a registered and non-profit association to support and practice Buddhist teachings especially in the tradition of the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan buddhism. The head of the Karma Kagyu lineage, His Holiness, the XVII Gyalwang Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje, is its patron and spiritual head of the Community. The XVII Karmapa confirmed this in his letter in 1994. The Tibetan Buddhist Religious Community was founded in Munich in 1978 at the request of the XVI Karmapa as the official representation of the Karma Kagyu lineage in Germany. It constitutes the legal and organisational framework of the … Next
  • Contact

    Our Address: Karma Kagyü Community Germany e.V. Kirchstraße 22a 56729 Langenfeld (Eifel) Tel. 02655-939030 Fax 02655-939031 E-Mail: Business hours: Monday to Friday: 09 to 12 am Bank account: Tibetisch-Buddhistische Religionsgemeinschaft Kreissparkasse Mayen IBAN: DE 74 5765 0010 0098 0397 38 Registered at Amtsgericht Koblenz: VR 20991 Next
  • The Organisational Structure of the Karma Kagyu Community

    The organigram above gives an overview of how the Community is organised and control exercised between its units: Higher Level The Community belongs to the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism with H.H., the XVII Karmapa, as its spiritual head. As such he is authorised to give directives to the Karma Kagyu Community Germany (Registered) in all its business activities. Medium Level The Community’s legally stipulated institutions of the board and the general assembly as well as the directly dedicated units Kagyu Publisher and Dharma Shop are depicted in yellow. These are the units that work for the Community as … Next

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