The Organisational Structure of the Karma Kagyu Community
The organigram above gives an overview of how the Community is organised and control exercised between its units:
Higher Level
The Community belongs to the Karma Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism with H.H., the XVII Karmapa, as its spiritual head. As such he is authorised to give directives to the Karma Kagyu Community Germany (Registered) in all its business activities.
Medium Level
The Community’s legally stipulated institutions of the board and the general assembly as well as the directly dedicated units Kagyu Publisher and Dharma Shop are depicted in yellow. These are the units that work for the Community as a whole.
The intrinsic, non-profit units, I.e., the centres and Dharma groups are depicted in blue. The Kamalashila Institute and the retreat centre Karma Thekchen Yi Ong LIng belong there. Both should suggest ideas of how the city and Dharma groups could do their work regarding their Dharma practice and their organisation.
Lower Level
The Karma Kagyu Community is perceived as a mandala of Karmapa’s activities in Germany. This perception is rooted in the XVI Karmapa’s wish to found the association (later renamed Community) as the official representative of the Karma Kagyu lineage in Germany. As the three associated societies are part of the Mandala, they joined our Community as an expression of our belonging together.
Organisational Structure
Units of the Community
Sara Spitzlei und Andrea Rockenfelder
Office and AccountingSara Spitzlei und Andrea Rockenfelder
E-Mail: office@karmakagyu.de
Accounting: Tel.: 02655 / 9390-37, Fax: 02655 / 9390-38
E-Mail: buchhaltung@karmakagyu.de
Board of the Karma Kagyu Community Germany e.V.
First Chairman:
Reinhard Türk
E-Mail: vorsitzender@karmakagyu.de
Second Chairman
Barbara Bussmann
Executive Director:
Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi
E-Mail: vorstand@karmakagyu.de
Tel. 02628-9894908, Fax 02628-9894909
Friedbert Lohner
Heike Schmick
Dharmashop in the Kamalashila Institute
Managing Director:
Board of the Karma Kagyu Community e.V.
Opening hours:
Due to the current situation and the size of the shop a max. of two people are allowed inside who have to strictly follow the current Corona rules.
You can reach us by telephone:
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 8 to 10:30 am
Tel.: 02655 / 9390-50
E-Mail: info@dharmashop.de
Website: www.dharmashop.de
Kagyu Dharma Publisher
Horst-Günter Rauprich
Tel.: 02253-9329339 Fax: 02253-9329340
E-Mail: verlag@karmakagyu.de
Nicole Heine
E-Mail: n.heine@me.com
Distribution: Dharma Shop im Kamalashila Institut (s.o.)